Gamified eHealth and mHealth

Multi-dimensional Intervention Support Architecture for Gamified eHealth and mHealth Products.

The iGame Project

iGame is a 4-year pan European project funded by the EU H2020  Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions under Research and Innovation Staff Exchange programme.

The project investigates evidence-based gamification techniques for eHealth and mHealth and develops a multi-dimensional intervention support architecture to improve the efficacy of gamified eHealth products (web-based health tools and health apps).

The iGame project aims at developing advanced game production techniques with ready-to-use toolkits to accelerate the innovation process for eHealth and mHealth apps. Outputs of the project will help the digital industry (games, IoT and ICT) to innovate new products and services with science and technology underpinnings.

The project consortium comprises 6 Europen partners across the breadth of digital game technology, health behavioural change and clinical evaluations, IoT, mobile app and cloud services development. the iGame project provides a framework to build inter-disciplinary and inter-sectorial collaborations. The goal of the project is to transfer knowledge, develop skills and market upscaling to meet the extreme challenges and enormous opportunities for large-scale and cost-effective eHealth interventions. 

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